Thursday, April 30, 2015

Are you aware of zone doubling?


Both the VISTA 21iP and the VISTA 20P (ADT SW3000) support up to 48 total zones. Both systems have 8 hardwired zones built unto the CPU. Both are capable of zone doubling in order to use more than the standard 8 zones without needing a zone expander. The zone doubling allows you to turn the panel 8 hardwired zones into 15.
The systems are different when it comes to IP communications for monitoring over the Internet. Whereas the VISTA 21iP has a built-in IP communicator the Vista 20P does not. The Vista 20P is capable of communicating over the Internet but you would need to add a 7847i Internet communicator.


Wednesday, April 29, 2015

How to Replace a Radio on the Brinks Control Panel

When replacing a radio on the brinks control panel be sure to uninstall the current radio and install the replacement radio prior to programming. Once you've replaced the old GSM radio, your ready to begin. First plug in your programmer to the PC board and enter the installer code. Next scroll down to the advance menu and then press enter. Now select device menu.  After you've selected device menu you will need to select the GSM gateway and then replace device. The system will now start the process of replacing the radio. One keynote, If your system is capable of sending an upload do this before replacing the radio to store the current information.

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Are you Brivo Ready?

When servicing an access control system be sure to ask if the fire alarm is associated with the access system. Always document those that you spoke with during the service and the detail of the service performed. Remember egress and access can be affected by the access control systems. Please see information below for more about access control.

Access control systems secure doors using electric locks and restrict passage through those doors to authorized individuals. In the event of a fire, such a system could potentially limit an individuals ability to safely exit and could also restrict access by fire fighters. For this reason, most municipalities have design rules for access control systems and require a permit for their installation and use. 

In general, if a building (or suite within a building) has a fire alarm and an access control system, the systems should be integrated so that if the fire alarm is triggered, the access control system will release it's locks to allow free entry and exit.

 Various factors are considered by a municipality in determining whether such an integration is required, including the type of locks used, which doors are secured, if there are alternative doors that would allow egress, and the floor within a building where the tenant is located.

Saturday, April 25, 2015

How to replace a Pulse gateway

When replacing the gateway on a Pulse system be sure to put the system in install mode. After you've placed the system in install mode go to our Pulse site and select replace existing system. Next you should be asked to enter the old activation key and then the new activation key. Before you move to the next screen replace the old gateway with the new gateway. Now your ready to move on. The system will go through a series of steps and before fully activating the gateway you will be asked to update the system if necessary. Now if you have lights, cameras, locks, or any other appliance on the system don't expect them to work immediately. If you can only control the security system after about 10 minutes then you may want to remove the appliances and reinstall them.

Thursday, April 23, 2015

The Purpose of the Resistor

This is probably the most basic component of all existing electronic components and as the name already implies the main characteristic of this component is resistance. It restricts current flow, higher resistivity value means lower current flow through the resistor and bigger voltage drop across the resistor. When this is placed inside the control panel instead of at the end of the line (EOL) it has been installed incorrectly. This component helps create integrity on the line in the case that there is a fault.

When reading the resistors value while the resistor is part of the electrical circuit, the Digital Multi Meter may not be possible. The reading won't be accurate because other components may be affecting the results. If you need to know the value of resistance for a replacement component please see chart below.

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Problems with 3PS?

The 3PS issue has been solved :-)!!!! The first thing you need to do is reset your browser by closing the 3PS window and clearing the browsing history. To do this click on the setting wheel in the right corner and select internet options. Then choose delete browsing history. Next select temporary files and cookies, and then click ok. After the browser history has been deleted, try to sign back into 3PS. If you're still having problems contact the help desk.

Ionization vs Photoelectric Smoke Detectors

The fire department favors photoelectric smoke detectors but recommends both. Most builder grade smoke alarms are Ionization smoke alarms but we typically install photoelectric fire detectors. The photo detector will avoid more of the nuisance alarms and notify the occupants when smoke enters the chamber. Most fire deaths are not caused by burns, but by smoke inhalation. Often smoke incapacitates so quickly that people are overcome and can’t make it to an otherwise accessible exit. See below for the difference on how each device works and why you should never tell your customer that the only fire protection they need is the fire protection we offer. The local alarms are great for added protection!

Ionization smoke alarms are generally more responsive to flaming fires.
How they work: Ionization-type smoke alarms have a small amount of radioactive material between two electrically charged plates, which ionizes the air and causes current to flow between the plates. When smoke enters the chamber, it disrupts the flow of ions, thus reducing the flow of current and activating the alarm. 

Photoelectric smoke alarms are generally more responsive to fires that begin with a long period of smoldering (called “smoldering fires”). How they work: Photoelectric-type alarms aim a light source into a sensing chamber at an angle away from the sensor. Smoke enters the chamber, reflecting light onto the light sensor; triggering the alarm

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

The New 5853 Glass Break Dectector

Have you installed or had to service a 5853 glass break detector? If you've installed it without adjusting it for the ambience of the protected area then you're setting up a nuisance alarm. When installing a glass break be sure to adjust the sensitivity for the area it's protecting. If your covering a home theater you might not want to set it too high. If your protecting a bedroom you may want it higher than the theater. You can also determine your settings based on the square footage of the space. However you decide, start with the manufacture instructions for the best results.

Monday, April 20, 2015

Are you qualified to work on that commercial fire alarm?

Service personnel shall be qualified and experienced in the inspection, testing, and maintenance of systems addressed within the scope of this Code. Qualified personnel shall include, but not be limited to, one or more of the following:
  1. (1)  Personnel who are factory trained and certified for the specific type and brand of system being serviced
  2. (2)  Personnel who are certified by a nationally recognized certification organization acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction
  3. (3)  Personnel who are factory trained and certified for fire alarm system design and emergency communications system design of the specific type and brand of system and who are acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction

    If you don't meet any of the qualifications and the equipment fails during a fire alarm after you serviced it, did you know that you can be arrested? Remember this type of alarm is to protect the public and is considered life and property safety equipment. When replacing, altering, or reprogramming this type of equipment you must follow the code for approval.

How to install a four wire smoke on a 3000 panel

When installing life safety devices try to install your notification device near the sleeping area. This will help wake the occupants during a fire or carbon alram. Please see below for 4 wire smoke installation.

What is the purpose for the wifi extender on Pulse?

The purpose for the wifi extender on ADT Pulse is to increase the reliability and communications with none Z Wave devices. The wifi extender works for wireless cameras and tablets. If you want to increase communications with a Z Wave device create a bridge by using a lamp module as a repeater.