Saturday, April 23, 2016

Got a TSS issue? Here are a few tips!

         During Sleep Mode only Battery LED is active

       Red: Low Battery / Missing Battery
       Amber: Charging
       Green: Battery Normal

       Off: Not Ready
       Red: Armed
       Amber: Trouble
       Green: Ready
       Flashing Green: Trouble - Can Arm
       Flashing Amber: Trouble - Cannot Arm
       Flashing Red: Alarm / Alarm Memory

This LED may remain in the Amber state for up to 24 Hours until a report is sent and acknowledged by the central station.

         Off: Not Configured
         Red: No Ethernet Link
         Amber: Link, but not connected to Alarm Receiver
         Green: Ethernet Link

         Off: Not Configured
         Red: No Connection or Low Signal
         Green: Good Signal
         Flashing Amber: Cell but no Data
         Flashing Red: SIM Error

To bypass an individual zone: [code] + [6 - Bypass] + [3-digit zone number]

To bypass multiple zones: [code] + [6 - Bypass] + [3-digit zone number] + [3-digit zone number] etc.
Up to five zones in each command. Must be entered sequentially. Example: [code] + [6] + [003] [004] [005] [007] [009]

Force Bypass: [code] + [6 - Bypass] + [#] + [0]
The Forced Bypass feature must be enabled by your installer.
[Code] + [9 - Chime] to toggle on/off
[Master code] + [8 - Code] + [2-digit user code to be deleted] + [#] + [0].
A single confirmation tone will be heard and the code is no longer functional.
The Master Code is in Slot 01
[Current Master code] + [8 - Code] + [0][1] + [4-digit new code] + [4-digit new code]
User numbers 03 through 96 are available
[Master code] + [8 - Code] + [2-two digit user #] + [4-digit new user’s code]
[Code] + [1 - Off]
During Battery Mode only the POWER LED is active.

         Red: Low Battery / Missing Battery
         Amber: Charging
         Green: AC
         Flashing Green: No AC & On Battery - Normal
         Flashing Red: No AC & Low Battery

         Off: No Trouble
         Amber: System Trouble
         Flashing Amber: Device Trouble
         Off: Not Ready
         Red: Armed
         Green: Ready
         Flashing Red: Alarm / Alarm Memory

            Panel volume and siren cannot be adjusted 
         Does not support an outdoor siren or strobe
         Can have an indoor siren but it only annunciates alarm activations and does not   annunciate chime
         Does not support voice annunciation
         The keys do not light up
         The backlight can only be turned on or off - there is no other adjustment
To power down the system, do the following:
            Clear any alarms in memory. 
           Enter “MASTER CODE + [#] + [*] + [9] at the Base unit, then wait until the four

LEDs to the right of the Power LED turn off before removing power.
To power back up: Unplug the power supply from the Base unit, then plug it back in.

On the Base Unit: [Master Code][#][#]
[Code] + [1 - Off]
To Enter test mode: [Master code] + [5 - TEST] + [1]
The external sounder should sound for about 1 second then turn off.

To Exit test mode: [code] + [1 - OFF]

The keypad sounds a single beep about every 60 seconds as a reminder that the system is in the Test mode.
If the test mode is inadvertently left active, it automatically turns off after 30 minutes. During the final five minutes, the keypad will emit a double beep every 30 seconds
When the Keypad is generating a periodic beep (once per minute), pressing the [*] key provides more information.
When the system is armed and there is a trouble condition, the Keypad displays “Device Trouble”. Pressing the [*] key provides more information


Brivo Edge Reader Issues

If the customer cards have stop working or the system is no longer logging activities do the following:

1. Remove the Edge by removing the screw from the unit to free it from the bracket as seen above.

2. Once opened locate the tamper jumper and remove it .

3. Place the same jumper over the two left pins of the P65 header as shown in the figure above. 

4.  Reboot the Edge device to change all of the configuration settings back to the factory default settings.

5.  After the LED turns amber, remove the jumper from the P65 header and return it to the Tamper header.

The Edge device will take approximately 60 seconds to reset following the removal of the jumper. Once the device finishes rebooting, the LED will blink green.  

At this point the panel has had its network defaulted and username / password reset. The user card database is still intact.

By default the edge is set to communicate network over DHCP meaning obtain an IP address automatically if the network allows that.

You should be able to add new cards see new activity and view past activity as well.

All existing Client cards should work as they did before.